FORUM: The new tool from Yutzu!

Dear Yutzu Followers,

 The team here at Yutzu would like to invite you to try out the newest tool: FORUM

 The FORUM tool allows users to ask each other questions in an organized manner, and is great if Yutzu is being used to run a class, to conduct a poll or to invite others to discuss a topic of your choice.  To try out this tool, click on the FORUM feature under TOOLS in the toolbox of your Yutzu.  Create a Topic for your FORUM and add a short statement detailing what information you're hoping to compile in this space.  Click 'Save' and the new FORUM topic will be added to the Yutzu, and others will be able to add information to the site in a conversational manner!

 To see an example of FORUM being used in a classroom setting, check out the Yutzu for a 2011 Digital Humanities course offered at UWO:

 Let us know what you think of FORUM, and don't forget to let us know about the new and exciting ways that you are using Yutzu!


The Yutzu Team