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Allen's time traveling
Photo: Van Cleef & Arpels   It has been called "a love letter to Paris from Woody Allen", the American director who used to set all his movies on New ...
Tips before Travelling
Travelling is supposed to be fun, relaxing and calming to everyone. You get to go anywhere you like at any time and no work! However, travelling requires you to also ...
18th-century Versailles travels to the future
  Photo: Chanel   Versaille Palace in France was taken over by some of the most relevant and iconic fashion designers in a show that payed homage to the influence ...
The Gambia
Una visión superficial del país más pequeño del África continental... también conocida como "la sonrisa de África", y no solo por su forma geográfica, sino por la calidez y buenhumor ...
A Visit to Coral Sand Dunes State Park, Utah
  This summer has been quite spectacular as of now. Utah was a dream come true trip and Alaska was something which was always in my mind. I cannot believe ...
European Travel Destinations
Travel to European Cities If you can travel to Europe even just once in your lifetime it will be well worth it. Every single country has something unique to offer. ...
Hurricane Irene to hit eastern Canada on Sunday
Hurricane Irene is threatening to deliver another blow to the already shaky US economy, with one forecasting firm predicting Friday that it could cause up to $10 billion in damages.
Time travel is "impossible": scientists
Physicists have confirmed the ultimate speed limit for the packets of light called photons - making time travel even less likely than thought.
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