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Spanish 2202F: Introducción a la literatura española (Fall 2011)
Este Yutzu contiene los materiales y las actividades del curso Spanish 2202F: Introducción a la literatura española (Fall 2011), impartido en el Department of Modern Languages and Literatures de la ...
Encrucijadas literarias: EL CURSO
Los bajíos y su riqueza de cruce, hibridación y mezcolanza, son la metáfora perfecta para el intelecto necesario en el siglo XXI... "Reivindicación de los bajíos", José Cervera ...hablo de ...
Rapping Darwin
Photo: New York Times He is from Vancouver, British Columbia, and grew up in a hippie family that runs a planting-tree business. He worked with his father and planted himself ...
The fictional world of Maya Soetoro
Photo: She is an educator, writer and assitant professor at the University of Hawaii. Living in Honolulu, the 40-year-old mother of two happens to be the United States president's ...
The NeoBaroque Revisited
"The (Neo)Baroque Revisited" The International Conference "The (Neo)Baroque Revisited" An International and Interdisciplinary Conference on the Baroque proposes a total engagement with the problem of the Baroque.  This total engagement ...
The experience of reading: reading cognition and metafiction
In this yutzu, I will be collecting presentations, links and documents related, in various degrees, to my dissertation research. So far it only stands as the proposal presentation.
Gabriel García Márquez
He is the 82-year old giant of Latin American literature who pioneered the school of magical realism and inspired a generation of novelists. But Gabriel Garcia Marquez has barely written ...
Sturm und Drang
Sturm und Drang (German pronunciation: [ʃtʊʁm ʊnt dʁaŋ]) (the conventional translation is "Storm and Stress"; a more literal translation, however, might be storm and urge, storm and longing, storm and drive ...
Jane Austen
Jane Austen (16 December 1775 – 18 July 1817) was an English novelist, whose realism, biting social commentary and use of free indirect speech, have earned her a place as ...
Latitude 30 degrees N
  In a book entitled Mysterious 30 Degrees North Latitude, the author has made a mystery of this special area by depicting a series of dangerous and supernatural phenomena such ...
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