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Talk to me
    A new exhibition at the Museum of Modern Art in New York promises to talk to you right in the way you want. The concepto of intermedia, digital ...
Artist Cy Twombly dies
Abstract expressionist artist Cy Twombly dies at 83.
La Petite Nuit Blanche
London, Ontario's third year of the Canadian encarnation of the Parisian Art's Festival: Nuit Blanche.
Salvador Dali
This page is designed to give a general background idea of the late Spanish painter Salvador Dali. In total, he produced close to 1,500 paintings, all of which were produced ...
Surrealism of my dreams
Photo: Vancouver Art Gallery A new exhibition on Surrealism at the Vancouver Art Gallery opening this Saturday is already making History: it brings together loans from more than sixty of ...
The NeoBaroque Revisited
"The (Neo)Baroque Revisited" The International Conference "The (Neo)Baroque Revisited" An International and Interdisciplinary Conference on the Baroque proposes a total engagement with the problem of the Baroque.  This total engagement ...
Johannes Vermeer
Johannes, Jan or Johan Vermeer (Dutch pronunciation: [vərˈmɪər]; baptized in Delft on 31 October 1632 as Joannis, and buried in the same city under the name Jan on 15 December ...
Caparrini (Sample Artist Profile)
A gallery with some works of Ignacio S. Caparrini, spanish sculptor born in 1967.
Diego Rodríguez de Silva y Velázquez, pintor barroco español, nació en Sevilla en 1599. A los once años inicia su aprendizaje en el taller de Francisco Pacheco donde permanecerá hasta ...
Norman Rockwell
Without thinking too much about it in specific terms, I was showing the America I knew and observed to others who might not have noticed. —Norman Rockwell Born in New ...
Joaquín Sorolla Bastida, Pintor
Nace en Valencia en 1863. En la Escuela de Bellas Artes (1878-1881) recibe una formación académica. Empieza a pintar al aire libre animado por uno de sus profesores, Gonzalo Salvá, ...
Frida Kahlo! Viva la Vida!!!
Frida Kahlo was born on July 6, 1907, the third of four daughters of Wilhelm Kahlo, a German Jew of Hungarian descent, and Matilde Calderon de Kahlo, a mestizo Mexican. ...
Katsushika Hokusai (葛飾 北斎, Katsushika Hokusai?) Grabador japonés del período Edo, miembro de la escuela Ukiyo-e de pintura japonesa. Se dice que fue el primero en utilizar el nombre manga. ...
Painted Love: Artwork
Michelle Lin: Illustration Portfolio Mediums used: acrylics, gouche, coloured pencils, design markers Here's a range of paintings and illustrations I have created from 2007-present. Genres I particularly focus on include: ...
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