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Colombia y Nicaragua se presentaran ante la Corte Internacional de Justicia para definir la Soberania de San Andres
Argentine and Spain Dispute over an Oil and Gas Company
Earthquake strikes Chile
100 Civilians held hostage in Brazilian Prison Riot

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Arts & Design

Fotografía Contemporánea Grandes formatos
Soportes fotografia contemporanea
Debate. Angela Ndalianis: “Introduction: The Baroque and the Neo-Baroque”, “Special-Effects, Magic and the Spiritual Presence of the Technological”

Culture & Heritage

Contemporary Art
Monsters at the Border: Images of Monstrosity and Transformation in Sin Nombre (2009)
Principio Potosí

News & Politics

Colombia y Nicaragua se presentaran ante la Corte Internacional de Justicia para definir la Soberania de San Andres
500 New fairy tales found in Germany
Colombian Hostages trained wild animals to be their companions
Cannibalism in Brazil