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Belovezhskaya Pushcha / Białowieża Forest (Poland): World Heritage Site
Date of Inscription: 1979 Extension: 1992 Criteria: (vii) Property : 92669.0000 ha Grodno Province (oblast) (BY) / Podlasie Voivodship (PL) N52 30 0 E23 34 60 Ref: 33bis Brief Description ...
Ouadi Qadisha (the Holy Valley) and the Forest of the Cedars of God (Horsh Arz el-Rab) (Lebanon): World Heritage Site
Date of Inscription: 1998 Criteria: (iii)(iv) Qadisha Valley, Becharre District, Governorate of North Lebanon N34 14 35.988 E36 2 56.004 Ref: 850 Brief Description The Qadisha valley is one of ...
Belovezhskaya Pushcha / Białowieża Forest: World Heritage Site
Belarus Poland Date of Inscription: 1979 Extension: 1992 Criteria: (vii) Property : 92669.0000 ha Grodno Province (oblast) (BY) / Podlasie Voivodship (PL) N52 30 0 E23 34 60 Ref: 33bis ...
Mount Kenya National Park/Natural Forest (Kenya): World Heritage Site
Date of Inscription: 1997Criteria: (vii)(ix)Property : 142020.0000 haDistricts of Meru, Nyeri, Kirnyaga and Embu in Eastern and Central ProvincesN0 7 26 E37 20 12Ref: 800 Brief Description At 5,199 m, ...
Leicester (Leicestershire, England)
According to Geoffrey of Monmouth, a mythical king of the Britons King Leir founded the city of Kaerleir ('Leir's chester' – i.e. fortified town). Even today the name of the ...
Choupal National Forest, Portugal
Choupal National Heath (Portuguese: Mata Nacional do Choupal) is a national heath in Coimbra, Portugal. It is a short distance from the city downtown and runs alongside the Mondego River. ...
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